Thursday, January 6, 2011

Geotourism Definitions

From the point of view of the Tourism of Geology and Abiotic Nature Based - and Landscape Tourism, the first  definition published by Thomas A. Hose(1995) and expansion on the argument raised by Ross K.Dowling & David Newsome(2006) and recently raised by Bahram N. Sadry(2009) and again a new one raised by D.Newsome & R.K.Dowling(2010), and  the latest definition is  presented by Thomas A. Hose (2011):

“The provision of interpretive and service facilities to enable tourists to acquire knowledge and understanding of the geology and geomorphology of a site (including its contribution to the development of the Earth sciences)beyond the level of mere aesthetic appreciation”(Hose,1995)

“Tourism relating specifically to geology and geomorphology and the natural resources of landscape, landforms , fossil beds, rocks and minerals ,with an emphasis on appreciating the processes that are creating and created such features”( Dowling and Newsome,2006).

“Geotourism is a knowledge -based tourism, an interdisciplinary integration of the tourism industry with conservation and interpretation of abiotic nature attributes, besides considering related cultural issues, within the geosites for the general public”( Sadry,2009) ". 

"A form of natural area tourism that specifically focuses on  landscape and geology. It promotes tourism to geosites and the conservation of geo-diversity and an understanding of Earth sciences through appreciation and learning. This is achieved through independent visits to geological features, use of geo-trails and view points, guided tours, geo-activities and patronage of geosite visitor centers" (Newsome and Dowling,2010).

“The provision of interpretative and service facilities for geosites and geomorphosites and their encompassing topography, together with their associated in-situ and ex-situ artefacts, to constituency-build for their conservation by generating appreciation, learning and research by and for current and future generations.” (Hose, 2011).

Hose,T.A.(1995) ’Selling the story of Britain’s Stone’. Environmental Interpretation,10,2,16-17.

Dowling ,R. and Newsome, D.(eds)(2006) Geotourism . Elsevier/ Heineman , Oxford, UK.

Sadry, B.N. (2009)" Fundamentals of Geotourism: with emphasis on Iran",Tehran:Samt Organization publishers.220p. (English Summary available Online at:

Newsome, D. and Dowling , R.K. (2010) Geotourism: The Tourism of Geology and Landscape, Oxford : Goodfellow Publishers.

  Hose, T. A. (2011), “ 3G’s for Modern Geotourism ”, Geoheritage J., DOI 10.1007/s12371-011-0052-y

Another definitions presented by Larwood& Prosser(1998), and Hose(2000) ,in addition to  Slomka and Kicinska-Swiderska(2004), Reynard(2005),  Joyce(2006), Ruchys(2007) and by Amrikazemi(2010).