With considering different dimensions and diversity of
geotours, classification of geotourism industry
involves( Sadry, 2009):
1. Geological and Geomorphological sites
2. Mining (ancient, abandoned, current) sites
3. Road Cutting (section) sites*
4. Anthropological (in caves & mines) sites*
5. Stone house (or buildings constructed from local stones,
houses carved into the steep slopes) sites /(historical geosites)
6. Adventure-based geosites
*It is required to mention that road cutting sites and
anthropological sites (specially those that are related
to human fossils) are a sub-branch of geological sites,
but have been separately mentioned here for more
emphasis on their potential for geotouristic planning.
Sadry, Bahram N. (2009)" Fundamentals of Geotourism:
with special emphasis on Iran", Samt Organization publishers,
Tehran,Iran.220p. (English Summary available Online at: