Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Inauguration of Training Course on “ Official Geotour Guiding" in Iran

After Inauguration ceremony of the first Official Geotour guide training course at the faculty of Tourism Science in the University of Science and Culture, - in the morning of April 10th, 2014- , in Iran , all geotourism students and Official geotour guide trainees from different academic disciplines experienced their first scientific field visit in Northwestern Iran on 18 May 2014 under supervision of Bahram N. Sadry , geo-course designer and executive director of the first geotour guiding courses, and the geotourism textbooks writer, in Iran.

Some of Geotour guide trainees and geotourism MSc students visiting  Asiab kharabe potential geosite in the proposed geopark of Iran to the UNESCO  ( Jolfa region, Northwestern Iran)
And Bottom:
Famous Road cutting in the globe ( Outcrop available in the 55 Km Zanjan - Tabriz Highway) as an other potential geosite for geotourism promotion in I.R.Iran. 
About aforementioned outcrop Please Find out more at: